Our team at the Global Translation Institute (GTI) just completed a new video as part of our Translator Training Video Platform Series. This video is called “Top 5 Translation Career Mistakes.” This video along with more exclusive videos are all included for participants within our translation certification program, the CTP Designation. We hope you enjoy the video!
Tags: Translation careers, careers in translation, translating careers, translation career advice, advice on how to improve my translator career, translator career training
November 5, 2010 at 4:15 PMI hope everyone enjoys this video resource about translation career mistakes within the industry.
Please post your comments below if you have something to add on this specific topic.
Also, please let us know if you enjoyed this resource so we can gather feedback on which video resources have been most valuable. This way we can continue to expand this video training platform with more similar resources.
Carlos Naranjo
March 22, 2011 at 9:03 AMI honestly enjoyed the information shared my only wish is that I would have been able to consult this about 10 years back when I first started working in translation because I do believe it would have been to my benefit.
Carlos Naranjo
Medellin, Colombia
Ommar Hamssa
March 25, 2011 at 12:50 PMHi, I have enjoyed the video and I think it’s valuable.
Valeria Gonzalez
April 28, 2011 at 6:01 AMVery good explanation. These are common mistakes traslators do, and this video shows very good tips for a future career as a translator. Thank you.
Rosamaria Mughetto
July 12, 2011 at 4:55 AMI found this section very interesting and with helpfull advices. I really enjoyed it. Thank you very much.
Roger Barbieri
October 29, 2011 at 5:24 PMApart from totally agreeing with everything in the video, I would like to throw another log on the fire with one of my favorite sayings: “When in doubt, DON’T”, and this especifically means, do not accept a job if you doubt you would deliver an optimal final product.
David Gordon
January 26, 2012 at 8:46 AMVery interesting video. I particularly liked how to avoid mistake Nr.5, by folowing -what I would call “the 25 x 25 marketing rule”- creating a list of the top 25 companies in your city and making sure to meet with each for 25 minutes to offer translation services personally so as to start and build long-term relationships in the community.
Thanks for the practical suggestions!
Ban Alhamami
February 29, 2012 at 4:44 PMI did like the video very much . It is really useful . However , I do not think that a translator can win more clients by accepting lower rates . From my experience , I worked with a client more than once and I asked for a low rate to win him . I did spend nights without sleeping to give him a professional and perfect translated copy three days before deadline .After two hours , I had my inbox fulled with many gratitude and appreciation emails for this translated copy from both the client and his employees . Two weeks later , he offered me another assignment with a very critical deadline . I did not want to refuse after all that appreciation , so I agreed to do it with two cents more . I was shocked when he replied by ” I am sorry , our budget is very limited ” .
Frankly speaking , that was really painful for me specially when I remember all the long hours of previous assignments with him .